Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Book I Clickbait (JF)

OM did a Book I recap, so I'll do one, too. I don't have nine points (was that some tether into FW? I don't remember many nines), only three. And if you multiply three by something, and add something to that, you get 1,001. For example, 3 x 333 + 2.  Joycean math, right? And 1,001 = ALP. Uh-huh. I think that's on line 17 of...hey, Tindall, which page is that number thing?


1.  I've gotten better at reading FW. Better's normally the first-step superlative of good, but it's also a relative to other adjectives. Check it out. "Anna, I've been a good husband, and I can be an even better one," vs. "Anna, I've been a bad husband, but I can be a better one." See what I did there?

On this project, I tend toward the latter better. There have been a lot of passages or segments, and posts about them, where I've been a bad reader (on the blog, that's where I whine and lean on Tindall). Not intentionally bad, but still bad. I've improved. And, hey, that's pretty cool. As I tell my kids, it's the hardest book ever written in English, even though most of it is not really written in English.  #natlanguage

2.  I'm daunted by the next howevermany pages. OM got bogged down a few chapters ago, and we texted and emailed about that. He's an avid reader; I used to be. This book often makes him want to quit and read something else, and it makes me want to do the same. Thanks to FW, I've remembered how much I love reading and writing. But, gotdam, I'd sure love to be reading almost anything else for the next eight months or so, and writing my own stuff in my all-too-little personal time. Maybe that's the best compliment about FW? It makes me want to absorb and create.

Those pages? Ugh. I'm behind, way behind - 24 pages on this Sunday. Book II is supposed to really suck, too, and I have an almost stepkid packing and moving to college this weekend. And the fifth anniversary of the first date with my gf is Friday.  (What do you get as a present for that, btw?  Pretty sure it's not a AYITW post, haha. Flowers, maybe?  Ugh, I always do flowers on Fridays.  No ... holy shit ... wait. I got it. Shhh.) Super hectic real life. Then again, when Shem and Shaun moved out, and Izzy followed the Ren Faire people, it must've been nertz.

3.  You. You guys, who are reading this. You guys, who seem to give a shit about this wack-ass thing that me and my too-far-away, new-father-again friend are doing. Yeah. His wife and my gf don't care much about this; they don't read the blog or share the tweets, but you do? You Twitter followers are sort of real to me. Weird? Not really. I'm pretty excited when I get a notification that another person is paying attention, or when I see our pageviews and learn that a person in Portugal is into this. So great. As OM mentioned in his most recent post, JJ would be proud to know that this book has united us. Maybe, because of that connection, this post isn't complete click-bait.

Oh. The header image?  It's Danis Rose, not Susan Sontag.  Mystery solved, and what I wouldn't give if Sue left notes on the Wake for us.  What I wouldn't give to spend a day with her - young/old, healthy/sick - and talk about lit and the content/context debate?

Anyway, redux.

More soon.

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